
Friday, 31 July 2015

He Aha Tenia

He aha tēnei?
He karakotaera tēnā.

ā ē ī ō ū

He aha tēnei?

He pahi tēnā.

ā ē ī ō ū

He aha tēnei?

He kanga tēnā.

ā ē ī ō ū

He aha tēnei?

He  Tiere tēnā.

ā ē ī ō ū

He aha tēnei?

He makewe tēnā.

ā ē ī ō ū

He aha tēnei?
He mū tēnā.

ā ē ī ō ū

KKN quiz

Thursday, 30 July 2015

The magic faraway tree

Title: The magic faraway tree

Author: Enid Blyton

Genre: Fairy Tail/Adventure

Summary: this book is about elf's and fairy's come climb the faraway tree Joe Beth and  Frannie  take their cousin Rick on an adventure he'll never forget!

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

The enchanted wood

Title: The Enchanted wood
 Author: Enid Blyton
 Genre: Fairy Tail/Adventure
Summary: The enchanted wood is a very cool book it is about elf's and fairy's. Come climb the faraway tree ... Joe, Beth and Frannie move right next door to an enchanted wood and discover the faraway tree with its many different lands. They make new friends slide down the slippery-slip, and go to a fancy dress feast in the land of birthdays. Discover a magical new world with moon face saucepan man and silky the fairy.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Epic parkour and freerunning


I am on a cold concrete roof I am flipping from roof to roof I am very scared that I am going to fall I can do a lot of tricks like front flips, back flips and long jump it is very scary doing long jumps long jumps are when you do a long jump between a building and another building that are far apart scary

Pony club rivals The auditions

Title: Pony club rivals The Auditions
Author: Stacy Gregg
Genre: Humour  

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Home learning

Home learning is fun i do home learning just about every day i also do home learning in the weekend.  I got onto team time i watched a movie we watched jack black the sheared lunch home learning is hard but it is still fun i like home leaning do you i like home learning because if you do all of your home work you get to be on team time yay!!!.
To get on team time you don't just have to do home learning you have to be on your best behavior.