
Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Main star own chioce How my love for dance started

In 2012 I started dancing with foot steps dance studio I was 6 years old and did one class a week the class was basic ballet steps before some of the classes ended we played a game. It was with this class I got to perform as a group on stage for the first time as a dancer. At the end of 2012 foot steps closed and I started dancing with Debbie-Ann it was a grade class that had to sit exams in term 3 and term 1. We had 5 girls in my dance class. In term 2 after we had been working hard In class we meet Leisa and Ashlley they are from Springfield they gave us a team dance for 10 and under. Our 45 minute class on a Monday was for our exam work. Then we had a Friday class for group dance and weekends when Leisa or Ashlley came over. 4 weeks before exams I rolled my ankle I had to have physio and my ankle had to be strapped for every dance class and exams I still tried my hardest. For exams pre-grade 3 we got gold rosettes. At the end of term 3 was Grey Mouth dance comps we performed as a group we wore black and red and I new all 3 dance teachers were watching  me to see how I performed on stage as I wanted a solo.
The next year all my hard work paid off an I got my first solo in October from Leisa and Ashelly it was to girls just want to have fun I worked hard on my solo for a few months but in January 2014 Debbie-Ann retired and Leisa’s dad fell sick so I joined pink pulse dance studio but kept working on my solo ‘’girls just want to have fun’’ at home At pink pulse I did 1 and a half hour’s jazz class and a hour stretch flex class with Emma from (pink pulse). Emma gave me a solo with her called ‘’we got the world ‘’ I performed for the first time as a solo dancer in 2014 in Christchurch at the new Zealand dance awards at the end of 2014 I got two award’s  from both Emma at pink pulse an Leisa in Springfield for the hard work I had put in thought out the year over the charismas school holiday’s Dance still went on I did workshop classes with Ashelly winter. I’m still dancing just as much an working hard at my dances I’m also doing ballet next term I will sit ballet exams I love dance because it is fun and it makes me happy my story of dance is not over yet I do not plan on giving up any time soon.

Random Friday writing


It's winter but... there is a small sunset witch is very pretty it may look cold but it is warm. The sunset is making the snow on the ground glitter like a thousand stars it is very beautiful. Light coming from behind the trees. Clouds turning pink and orange. Snow melting away as the sun is shining over it. I keep walking and the more steps i take the warmer it gets and then i see the beautiful sunset. 

Monday, 22 June 2015

Main star Mission impossible random act of kindness note

Im doing my random act of kindness to a man named John he sells things made of woodat the sunday markethe is very kind to the other people at the market the last few days times lve seen him giving differant wooden things to display there stuff.

This is the note I am going to leave under a plate of cookies

Heidi speech

Friday, 19 June 2015

Main star ask your family and friend how/why they clebrate easter

This year we had easter in nelson because I had a dance competition we went swimming at the beach and played mini golf on easter sunday other years we have had a family dinners on sunday I dont get chocolate from mum she normally gets me a prezzy instead nana gets me chocolate nana and grandad do not eat meat or chicken good friday they have fish.

KKN quiz

Today was the first time i got 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!

Typing test 2015

Today was my fist time doing typing test and this is what i got.
For my speed i got 14 wpm and for my Accuracy i got 84 %

Monday, 15 June 2015

Main star teach 5 people how to leave a quality comment on your blog

I have sent a email to :


and i'm going to ring and tell

granddad and tarn

how to leave a quality comment

here's a copy of the email I linked my blog to the email to make easy

hi everyone
for main star we have to teach  5 people how to  leave a Quality Comment on my blog.
I am asking you to help me.
To get on my blog click the link  My blog
here how to do it you need to comment on my blog every week from now to the 20th of july
you can comment on any of my post then click then click publish.
Here's some tips on how to leave a Quality Comment
Tip #1: Start with a greeting
Tip #2: Compliment in a Specific Way 
Tip #3: Add New Facts

Tip #4: Make a Connection
Tip #5: End with a Question 
Tip # 6: Proofread Your Comment
Thank you (:

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Haiku poem 2.6.2015

Haiku Poem 
Tuesday 2nd June 2015

Slippery cold road.

Building snowmen in the snow.,

Fire nice and warm.

Wednesday 3rd June 2015

Animals running

Deer running in the forest

People shooting guns.