
Monday, 22 June 2015

Main star Mission impossible random act of kindness note

Im doing my random act of kindness to a man named John he sells things made of woodat the sunday markethe is very kind to the other people at the market the last few days times lve seen him giving differant wooden things to display there stuff.

This is the note I am going to leave under a plate of cookies


  1. Hi Heidi, Wow I really love your disguise and the sneaky way of leaving the note and cookies. That was a great random act of kindness Heidi and I'm sure John would of really appreciated it. Where did you get your moustache from? Did you make it?
    From Aunty Tarn :)

  2. Hi heidi
    that was so funny and it was fun being your annonymous sidekick i think he really liked the cookies and you chose a very deserbing person to do you random act of kindness for

  3. rachel symmers30 June 2015 at 09:34

    hello Heidi,
    I liked how much work and planning you put in to this the note, baking the cookies and making sure you didn't get seen when skye was talking to john for you. Then hiding when he was reading the note you did very well what part do you think john liked about it ?


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